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para la Paz


The Educational Center for Peace, recognized as a public good entity, is a non-profit Educational Institution, which since 1992 is dedicated to contributing in an interdisciplinary way to the development of moral capacities and human virtues through renewed educational programs in the framework of Education for Peace.

Part of the premise that every human being is intrinsically noble, therefore the role of parents and teachers is to cultivate that inherent nobility, respecting their uniqueness and promoting their development.


Support the Educational Center for Peace

With your contribution you are helping hundreds of boys and girls in Latin America have access to education with a comprehensive program based on the development of moral capacities and human virtues.

El Centro Educacional para la Paz se encuentra en constante crecimiento y te invitamos a que seas parte de nuestro equipo...

Juntos  seguiremos contribuyendo al mejoramiento de  la sociedad, sumando esfuerzos y 

nuevos recursos…

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